MAKE BI 2022 Post Conf Day - KPI Tree Masterclass (Bernie Smith)

Im Nachgang zum diesjährigen MICROSOFT POWER BI ARBEITSKREIS organisiert IT-Logix den exklusiven MAKE BI 2022 Post Conference Day - KPI Tree Masterclass mit Bernie Smith (Gründer von "Made to measure KPI", Trainer, Coach und Buchautor). Melden Sie sich gleich an für diesen exklusiven Workshop in den Räumlichkeiten des Bildungszentrums Sihlpost direkt am Hauptbahnhof Zürich.

Das Training wird in Englischer Sprache gehalten. Nachfolgend ein Überblick über den Inhalt des Trainings:

­KPI Tree Masterclass description

There are plenty of dry academic theory books on KPIs and measures, but few properly structured methods that help you start at the beginning and support you all the way through to effective KPIs that enable your organisation to deliver on its strategic goals.

Choosing a small selection of meaningful KPIs that everyone agrees with can be difficult, time-consuming and very emotive. This one-day course teaches you the 'ROKS method', developed by your facilitator Bernie Smith to enable a structured, visual and repeatable method for identifying a suite of KPIs that link to your organisation's strategic objectives.

This physical-courseroom-masterclass is delivered to you in the form of a highly participative workshop style.

Course objective

This on-prem workshop is designed to help you develop a set of meaningful performance measures for any organisation. In the session, we pay particular attention to developing the core KPI Tree building skills as these are key to success and are best learned using practical examples and hands-on coaching.
By the end of this masterclass, you will have the core skills to successfully apply the structured, repeatable and hands-on method for choosing a sensible number of really effective KPIs to support your organisational goals.

Course content

  • Introduction to the ROKS approach, and where KPI Trees fit
  • Getting your strategy ready for KPI selection
  • KPI Tree basics
    • Pitfalls and how to use the '4Cs' to break your objectives down
    • Link types - which to use and how they can prevent a business catastrophe
  • Getting the KPI Tree levels right (with card game) - so you don't go in circles
  • Multiple interactive examples, building up gradually in complexity
  • The practical tools and techniques for building your own KPI Trees - software and techniques
  • The opportunity to make a start on your own KPI Tree, with input from Bernie Smith
  • Sample KPI Trees for reference and re-use (exclusive to this workshop)
  • How to 'Shortlist' KPIs generated using KPI Trees
  • How to build bullet-proof definitions for your final KPI selection
  • Setting up and running KPI Tree workshops in your organisation - practical guide and checklists

Who should attend

Controllers, accountants, internal BI consultants, business analysts, finance managers and anybody else interested or involved in developing key performance indicators for their organisations.

Datum: 31.08.2022Ort:Bildungszentrum Sihlpost, ZürichZeit: 08.45-16.30 Uhr

Teilnahme: CHF 850 (excl. MwSt), Platzzahl beschränkt (20 Teilnehmende)


Wichtig: Bring your own device

Datum: 31.08.2022Ort:Bildungszentrum Sihlpost, ZürichZeit: 08.45-16.30 Uhr

Teilnahme: CHF 850 (excl. MwSt), Platzzahl beschränkt (20 Teilnehmende)


Wichtig: Bring your own device

Bernie Smith

Made to measure KPI, Trainer & Coach
